Move Wysely LLC.​
Move Wysely LLC.​
A Holistic Approach to Health & Fitness
Take Care of Your Body, It's The Only Place You Have to Live!
Maximize Your Recovery Us​ing These 5 Tips
Maximize Your Recovery Us​ing These 5 Tips
You just crushed a workout, and you’re feeling great.
The hard work is done, right?
Not exactly.
Most people fail to understand that at the beginning of their wellness journey, there’s work to be done outside of the gym to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your workouts and feeling your best.
That’s where recovery comes in!

Why is recovery so important?
Why is recovery so important?
When working out, you’re damaging muscle tissues in the process, which makes your recovery period so essential. Since your body is at rest, it starts repairing those damaged muscle tissues to ensure that you come back even stronger for your next workout.
You can incorporate habits into your lifestyle that will improve your recovery and your wellness journey as a whole!
How to maximize your recovery
How to maximize your recovery
1. Get enough sleep
1. Get enough sleep
It’s no surprise that sleep plays a critical role in recovery. While we sleep, 95% of growth hormone is released, a key building block in muscle recovery. This can also help alleviate many aches and pains that come with strenuous activity.
The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recommends that most adults get 8-9 hours of sleep a night, possibly more if they work out consistently or do higher-intensity workouts.
2. Stay hydrated
2. Stay hydrated
Staying hydrated before, during, and after a workout is essential. Hydration impacts so much of our health, including:
- Sleep
- Assists in keeping joints lubricated
- It helps carry nutrients to cells
- Your heart depends on it to pump blood
Everything mentioned contributes to recovery, plus so much more! Keep your water intake up throughout the entire day. It is recommended that men should have ~131 oz of water/day and that women should have ~95 oz of water/day.
3. Consume enough protein
3. Consume enough protein
Proteins are made up of amino acids, and these proteins and amino acids are the main building blocks of our muscles, bones, skin, tissues, and organs. So, needless to say, protein is essential for everyone!
According to the Mayo Clinic, very active people should eat 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. This would increase if you’re more active and trying to build muscle mass and would decrease if you’re not as active.
Protein is imperative to help your muscles and tissues recover.
4. Periodize your workout program
4. Periodize your workout program
Periodizing your workouts can seem like a confusing process, but it is coming up with a structure you need to succeed in the gym. If you have a plan, it’s essential to consider your recovery for every workout. This entails, but is not limited to, the following:
- Specific skill building (endurance, strength, power)
- Volume and intensity
- Duration
This can be difficult for people with busy lifestyles or who just don’t have their workouts as their first priority, and that’s okay! Working with a trainer can alleviate the stress of developing a workout plan. Move Wysely considers all these factors when developing training plans for every client.
5. Rest
5. Rest
This might seem like a no-brainer, but rest days are just as important as gym days! Your body needs time for rest and repair. This doesn’t mean you have to sit on your couch all day, you can incorporate low-impact exercise on rest days, otherwise known as active recovery. Some examples of active recovery include:
- Foam rolling
- Stretching
- Yoga
- Walking
- Swimming
- ... and so much more!
Join Move Wysely for a workout!
Join Move Wysely for a workout!
Move Wysely has a holistic approach to health and fitness. When you workout with us, we keep your recovery in mind while getting after the best workout tailored to your goals. Start working out with us today by booking your training session here!